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Jean-Claude Delaunay教授课程通告

日期: 2021-07-15      点击数:

法国马恩拉瓦雷大学经济学教授Jean-Claude Delaunay受中心主任邀请,将于2007年11月7日起来我中心为2007级研究生讲授“欧盟金融市场一体化及其深化以及相关法律的发展”课程(The integration of the EU financial market and the evolution, development of its related laws),整个课程将持续15天,于23日结束。

Jean-Claude Delaunay教授是法国马恩拉瓦雷大学的经济学教授,其在政治经济学、服务经济(Service Economy)、全球化和当代资本主义的研究上硕果累累。这次他是经6月来我中心授课的Dominique Redor教授介绍来中心给研究生授课的,其授课纲要如下:

1 State Budget before EMU. Worsening of the situation during the seventies.

2 Chronological and theoretical history of the S and G Pact, from 1997 to 2005 and to date.

3 Practice of the S and G Pact : potentials and limits.

4 Theoretical analysis of the dialectical relation between monetary and budget policy in the case of EMU.

5 French governments and the SG Pact since 1997. Comparison with the German behaviour.

6 Is there an alternative and democratic behaviour to the SG Pact? Can China get some lessons from the SG Pact experiment?

7 The Financial preparation of the financial european  markets (Delors report and Lamfalussy period)

8 Financial Europe today
