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日期: 2024-06-03      点击数:




Paper1余文珺 Real effects of climate policy: Financial constraints and spillovers

摘要:We document that localized policies aimed at mitigating climate risk can have unintended consequences due to regulatory arbitrage by firms. Using a difference-in-differences framework to study the impact of the California cap-and-trade program with U.S. plant-level data, we show that financially constrained firms shift emissions and output from California to other states where they have similar plants that are underutilized. By contrast, unconstrained firms do not make such adjustments. Overall, unconstrained firms do not reduce their total emissions, whereas constrained firms increase their total emissions after the cap-and-trade rule, undermining the effectiveness of the policy


Paper2管泓旭 企业数字化转型、碳排放与供应链溢出

摘要:数字化转型是提升企业全要素生产率、抑制碳排放的重要动力。本文围绕 上市公司匹配数据,实证检验了企业数字化转型对供应链各节点企业碳排放的影响。研  究发现,企业数字化转型能够显著抑制自身碳排放,且具有前向溢出的降碳效应。机制分  析表明,企业数字化转型通过提高自身绿色技术创新水平、企业全要素生产率进而实现自  身碳减排,通过提高下游企业全要素生产率进而引致下游企业碳减排。异质性分析表明, 企业数字化转型对国有企业、大规模企业、不受环境规制企业的降碳作用更大,对下游小  规模企业、近距离企业、资源禀赋更低地区企业的降碳作用更大。进一步研究发现,企业  数字化转型对直接碳排放的降碳效应被间接碳排放的增碳效应部分抵消,但这种抵消作  用并未显著溢出到下游企业。本文研究结论表明,发挥企业数字化转型的供应链网络降  碳效应,对于推动数字化绿色化协同转型发展、提升产业链供应链现代化水平、积极稳妥  推进碳达峰碳中和具有重要意义。